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90 Day Facilitation Network

Private·6 members


On behalf of Hampton Roads Black Nonprofit Alliance and Virginia Blacks In Technology

We are excited to invite your business to participate in the 90-Day Challenge, a transformative initiative aimed at empowering Portsmouth-based businesses like yours to make a real impact alongside nonprofits in our community. 

  • Forge Meaningful Partnerships: Become board members, mentors, volunteers, fractional C-suite leaders, and business collaborators.

  • Access to Funding and Resources: Benefit from MOUs, MOAs, grant funding, and free marketing to elevate your business (increase profits) and the nonprofits.

  • Collaborative Marketing Efforts: We are committed to actively marketing your business and matching grants that involve your services.

  • Strategic Community Impact: Work together to circulate the black dollar within our community, ensuring a multiplier effect that benefits us all.

  • Support for Nonprofits: Your business can make a meaningful difference for local nonprofits, no matter if your expertise is in legal services, accounting, tax preparation, grant writing, or nonprofit financial services.

For a detailed overview of the challenge, please refer to the 90-Day Challenge Sequence of Events. This document outlines all key activities and timelines to help you understand and plan your participation effectively. We can add an event that involves one of our 19 nonprofits.

Additionally, we have a Virtual Rolodex (Vdex) with the list of the 19 Nonprofit Organizations participating in the challenge. During this challenge, we are looking for Black professional partners who will have the opportunity to become strategic advisors, board members, mentors, volunteers, fractional C-suite leaders, and even business collaborators. Businesses like yours can forge meaningful partnerships through MOUs, MOAs, grant funding, free marketing, and more, all designed to elevate the city of Portsmouth.


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  • July 15, 2024


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